
Wednesday, January 29, 2020

How a Christian might apply their beliefs Essay Example for Free

How a Christian might apply their beliefs Essay In this, my second piece of coursework I will be looking at how a Christian might apply the beliefs that I just outlined in A01 and will refer to specific situations of conflict to illustrate this. A Christian could apply the beliefs I recently mentioned in A01 through all different means. The most recent event of late to do with war conflict is the Iraq war. Saddam Hussian we were told and could see was not a particularly pleasant man. I heard in papers and through television what he was doing to people and how he treated them. As Christians then in one point of view from the Sermon on the Mount we should forgive this man for his wrong doings and let him repent his own sins. This belief of forgiveness decelerates that should he recognise his wrongs and change his behaviour he could then be forgiven of his previous sins. Unfortunately Saddam was tolerant of the pain and suffering caused under his regime and unwilling to recognise a need to change his behaviour. However once captured Saddam was not subjected to the torture that he imposed but treated in a Christian and humane manner. Though as the passage states we should still maintain our Christian values and be forgiving, `to turn the other cheek`. An issue closer to home regarding conflict and Christianity is the fighting in Northern Ireland regarding the Catholics and Protestants. The two communities are constantly at war with one another over their faiths and in doing so are abandoning the core values of their religions. These two sets of people are following the `eye for an eye, tooth for a tooth`, way of dealing with their problems and issues, which has proven itself through twenty years of conflict to be ineffective and destructive. As again the passage from the Sermon on the Mount comes into effect and the two sides should realise that when a person of one side is killed they should not seek revenge and to kill, but to `live and let live`. Then this may result in an end to the violence and tragedies that are so often occurring. In the other effect towards Saddam Hussian issues we as Christians could most notice the quote of `An eye for and eye and a tooth for tooth`, from the Old Testament and do to Saddam the horrific things that we hear of him doing. Not many Christians, today I believe see this way of dealing with things. More to the point would not be really able as out generation of law and order would just not allow it. When people saw Saddam Hussian damaging an empire and country most I would have believed that they were angry and human instinct gets the better of belief. It is a natural feeling to become angry and upset with something or somebody. And this combining with believing that it is right to acknowledge the passage from the Old Testament results in terrible effects to peoples lives. Also this relates to the Wars going on around Northern Ireland. The two religions are constantly battling each other. We have seen the results of this situation and there is no justice to the trauma and deaths that are carried out.

Tuesday, January 21, 2020

Tiny Robots in Your Bloodstream: The Future of Medicine

The thought of microscopic robots traveling through your body may seem like a science fiction novel from the 1960’s but, in the next decade or so, it may become science fact. Imagine clogged arteries being swept clean, cancer cells detected and destroyed and kidney stones being dissolved, all done by minute robots, eliminating the need for costly and invasive surgery. These are just some of the possible applications of nanotechnology in medicine, also known as nanomedicine. Nanomedicine can dramatically improve medicine and healthcare beyond our imagination. Nanotechnology was first mentioned in 1959 in a talk given by physicist Richard Feynman. Although he did not use the term, he described a process by which a pair of normal sized robot arms would build a copy of itself that was one tenth its size. That pair of arms would continue the process and so on until the arms reached the size of a molecule. (Patel 63) This would be the level of nanotechnology. Nano comes from the Greek word meaning â€Å"dwarf†. A nanometer is one billionth of a meter and when we speak of nanotechnology we are speaking of devices in the 1 to 100 nanometer scale. To help visualize how small that is, a germ is about 1000 nm wide, a human hair is about 100,000 nm wide. (Marchant, G. E. 231) The scanning tunneling microscope, invented in 1981 by Gerd Binnig and Heinrich Rohrer, allowed humans to see individual atoms. Binnig and Rohrer both worked as physicists for the computer company IBM. The atomic force microscope was invented a few years later which allowed the user to actually move atoms by using a feeler with an extremely small, sharp needle on the end which allows it to see and move the atoms by f... ... and we will be able to create our own virtual realities that will integrate all our senses, expanding our intelligence in ways we cannot imagine. Nanomedicine will give rise to AI by giving humans extremely detailed scans and diagrams of the human brain and how it functions. Eventually, AI will be able to think and have emotional responses thanks to the info gathered by Nanobots. The two technologies will feed off one another resulting in a world that may be more wild than any science fiction novel ever written. (Kurzweil 40-46) It is clear that nanotechnology has the potential to revolutionize health care and even transport humanity into the next evolutionary leap, but great care must be taken in order make sure we get there safely. Once technology becomes smarter than humanity, we may not be able to control our destiny any longer.

Monday, January 13, 2020

Marketing research RRL

Bin empathy is the term used by service strategist to ensure that kind of mechanical human interaction does not happen that employee who serve customers are responsive ,competent and empathic.. This is not means that they listen to the needs of people but also that they demonstrate empathy. Some though have taken this much further, they think of the numerous. Service are performance and people are the performers. From the customer perspective the people performing the service are the company. An incompetent insurance company .The component of this performance can as in the theatre. Be planned and designed to achieve any desired outcome and maintained over a long period of time. What the supplier see's as a set of operational procedures can be thought of as customers script. Have achieved success by intuitively applying dramatic technique to service business Service script is followed. It is that the quality of service will match the expectations of the buyers and intention of the sup plier so this script needs to be worked out carefully. Communicate the intention of the suppliaer. T seems, then that concept and paradigms do help employees who have to serve customers to demonstrate emotional empathy. A recognized framework put words concepts and engage to demonstrate emotional empathy When trying to plan service improvement, particularly in a large firm, it is possible to break the service often into recognizable components, or features which can be individually improved by doing so, suppliers can understand which aspect of their service is deficient when compared with customers expectation or competitor performance The attribute required by most customers were.Timeliness: the service is provided promptly Empathy; the organization understands the customers need . Assurance: technical correctness of the work Fees: providing value of money Tangibles: providing evidence hat the work is performed correctly Reliability the firm does what it says it will. Understanding lifetime value and customer profitability This important concept changes the perspective on a customer and prompts investment in customer care. Although he didn't give it this name .. The concept of lifetime value of customers suggests that firms know four things about a customer .The total revenue from all work in any given year The costs of service to those customers. Including proposal and prospecting cost The anticipated duration of the relationship of the customers to the firm . The profit in any given year and the total profit. Service Strategy, Like all other strategic issues. Quality of service is important to service is so important to service companies that an explicit service strategy should develop. Dublin 2008- Customers care is an aspect of service Businesses that contributes to growth in revenue and reputation.It has strategic implications for business growth which can. Product and Service Planning Product and service and planning includes activities such as test mar keting product and brand positioning: devising warranties: packaging determining product options, product features, product style, and product laity deleting old products, and providing for customer service. One of the most effective product and service planning techniques is test marketing test markets allow an organization to test alternative marketing plans and to forecast future sales of a new product.The environment and the modern management imperatives Bocce 2008-Paul licker refers to seven modern management imperatives (Licker,1997) Reach- this recognizes that businesses increasingly complete globally rather than locally or within national boundaries Reaction- customers are becoming ever more demanding and customers will make their view known and wish to have them expected Responsiveness- the process of turning an idea into a product or service that can be marketed in shortening- global reach means that there will be a greater problem ability that a competitor will be able to offer a good or service that more closely meets customers requirements.. Refinement-Refinement greater customer sophistication and specificity means that customers are more able than ever to distinguish fine between products and compare them with their needs and desires.. Reconfiguration- as a consequence of changing customers needs and preferences it may be necessary to re-engineer work patterns and organizational trustees change the structure of work and workflow from idea to product service. The Importance of service Quality.Customer care and service quality are important for several reason. Firstly service quality affects the attitudes of buyers toward repurchase. If they have a good experience they are more likely to buy again and if a poor experience. Some recent writers have even suggested customers reaction to service quality induce loyalty to the supplier. Which can be measured and managed. Service Quality and customer Care A Recent History Greasily 2008- Deponents of serv ice quality concept normally that an emphasis n customers care was not necessary before 20th century and only develop as consumerism grew. That is not the case though. For instance, British potter Josiah.It seems that difficulty occurred as distribution chains grew and marketing was functionalities in the mid 20th century. Competitive Strategies Thomson 2008- In findings its competitive edge within these five forces, porter suggests that a company can adopt one three strategies Differentiation The Differentiation strategy involves an attempt to distinguish the firm's product others in the industry. Companies that pursue a differentiation strategy typically need strong arresting abilities, a creative flair and reputation for leadership. In the form of customers loyalty that a new entrant into the market would have difficulty overcoming. Cost leadership. With A cost Leadership strategy, the organization aggressively seeks efficient facilities.Likewise, the low -cost producer is protec ted from powerful customers and supplier, because customers cannot find lower prices where the other buyer would have less slack for price negotiation with supplier. One on one Marketing Ford 2009- One on One marketing, as the name implies individual product with individual customers. This way of dealing with customers takes differentiated or niche marketing to the extreme. Successful one on one marketing requires detailed knowledge of customers Production Versus marketing Orientation The production and marketing orientation are complementary ways to look at business. Transactional View One view of exchange is the teach and every interaction with his a unique and independent event. Transactional Selling can be more adversarial cooperative.Price become a key consideration -neither the sales person nor customers is looking for much beyond the immediate transaction. Relational Selling Attracting new customers costs significantly more than reselling to current customer. Customer Loyalty Loyal customers are like money in the bank because their purchases provide revenue into the future customers loyalty is a function of two components. The second components of customers loyalty is intangible and based on emotion. Customers commitment is the bond between a customers and a sales firm that builds. Up overtime as a customer continues to have rewarding sales exchanges with a supplier Computing the Value off Customer.CRM implies that firm should mange different customer differently. While infrequent flyers may not see things the same way. The special treatment is worthwhile because platinum flyers provide a disproportionate amount of revenue based on their frequent flying behavior based on their frequent flying behavior. The sales and managing customers . Marketing strategy is one way firms go about creating value. Value is the individual's selective perception of the worth of some activity, object or idea. With C. R. M the salesperson does more than Just create sales. Ga ther important data about the customers and the market. Identify the types of data needed to give the customers better service

Sunday, January 5, 2020

Trajan, the Roman Empire and Soldier

Born Marcus Ulpius Traianus, Trajan was a soldier who spent most of his life involved in campaigns. When delivered the news that he was adopted by Roman Emperor Nerva, and even after Nerva died, Trajan remained in Germany until he had completed his campaign. His major campaigns as emperor were against the Dacians, in 106, which vastly increased the Roman imperial coffers, and against the Parthians, beginning in 113, which was not a clear and decisive victory. His imperial name was Imperator Caesar Divi Nervae filius Nerva Traianus Optimus Augustus Germanicus Dacicus Parthicus. He reigned as Roman emperor from A.D. 98-117. Although we dont know the details, Trajan set up cash subsidies to help raise poor children. He is well known for his building projects. Trajan also built an artificial harbor at Ostia. Birth and Death Future Roman emperor, Marcus Ulpius Traianus or Trajan was born at Italica, in Spain, on September 18, A.D. 53. After having appointed Hadrian his successor, Trajan died while returning to Italy from the east. Trajan died on 9 August A.D. 117, after suffering a stroke, in the Cilician town of Selinus. Family of Origin His family came from Italica, in Spanish Baetica. His father was Ulpius Trajanaus and his mother was named Marcia. Trajan had a 5 year  older sister named Ulpia Marciana. Trajan was adopted by the Roman Emperor Nerva and made his heir, which entitled him to call himself the son of Nerva: CAESARI DIVI NERVAE F, literally, the son of the divine Caesar Nerva. Titles and Honors Trajan was officially designated optimus best or optimus princeps best chief in 114. He provided 123 days of public celebration for his Dacian triumph and had his Dacian and Germanic successes recorded in his official title. He was posthumously made divine (divus) as had his predecessor (Caesar Divus Nerva). Tacitus refers to the beginning of Trajans reign as a most blessed age (beatissimum saeculum). He was also made Pontifex Maximus. Sources Literary sources on Trajan include Pliny the Younger, Tacitus, Cassius Dio, Dio of Prusa, Aurelius Victor and Eutropius. Despite their number, there is little reliable written information about Trajans reign. Since Trajan sponsored building projects, there is archaeological and epigraphical (from inscriptions) testimony. Trajan Optimus Princeps - A Life and Times, by Julian Bennett. Indiana University Press, 1997. ISBN 0253332168. 318 Pages.