
Friday, August 9, 2019

Emanuel Medical Center Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words - 1

Emanuel Medical Center - Case Study Example EMC’s Service Area incorporated the wide city of Turlock and the smaller towns in its periphery. Out of eighty percent of EMC’s patients were residents of the primary service area, sixty-four percent came from Turlock. The twelve small towns in the Turlock’s periphery were EMC’s secondary service area and were within five and fifteen miles from EMC. The secondary service area provided fourteen percent of all ECM’s patients. Residents from without EMC’s primary and secondary service area made up the remaining six percent of EMC’s patients. EMC had a mixed customer base comprising of cultural diversity and patients of different ages. In 1999, EMC recorded that 40.1 of its patients were 65 years and older, patients between 15 and 44 years of age formed 33.2 percent, and the 14-year olds and younger formed 10.2 percent. Hispanics were 32.5 percent of EMC’s patient population and were the fastest growing segment of emergency departme nt admissions. In 2002, the population of EMC’s primary service area was about 200,000 that was a nineteen percent increase from its population of about 168,000 in 1998. A big proportion of EMC’s patient population was baby boomers (Fisher, 2009). There are many hospitals and surgical outpatient clinics within 50 miles of Turlock that compete for patients’ loyalty. Kaiser Permanente’s contract with Memorial Medical Centre of Modesto is one of the large HMOs that provide EMC with insurance-covered patients. HMOs add to EMC’s market advantage because they provide it with this section of the patient population. However, the proximity of EMC’s competitors accelerates the fight for patients.

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