
Friday, March 22, 2019

Merchant of Venice :: Free Merchant of Venice Essays

Antonio, a Venetian merchant, complains of melancholy his virtuoso Bassanio asks for a loan to travel to Belmont to court the beautiful heiress, Portia. Antonio agrees, but says that he mustiness borrow the coin from one of the citys moneylenders because all of his ships are at sea. At Belmont, Portia is also melancholy because, according to the terms of her fathers lead, she must marry the art object who chooses the casket (out of a choice of gold, silver or lead) containing her portrait. If he chooses wrongly, he is condemned to remain unmarried forever.Antonio approaches loan shark, a Jewish moneylender, to ask for a loan. Shylock hates Antonio and tricks him into promising to forfeit a pound of flesh if he cannot fall in in time. Shylocks daughter Jessica elopes with the Christian gentleman Lorenzo. Bassanio, accompanied by friend Gratiano, departs for Belmont. The Prince of Morocco comes to Belmont and chooses the wrong casket meanwhile, in Venice, rumors swirl that Anto nios ships have been lost at sea. The Prince of Arragon also chooses the wrong casket, and then Bassanio arrives at Portias house. He and Portia fall in love, and he makes the correct choice (the lead casket), but their happiness (and that of Gratiano, who will marry Portias lady-in-waiting, Nerissa) is interrupted by news that Antonio has lost all his money and failed to pay the debt, and Shylock is demanding his pound of flesh.In Venice, Antonio is taunted by Shylock, who refuses to listen to reason. Portia disguises herself as a man and secretly follows Bassanio to Venice. The Duke of Venice presides over the trial. When Shylock refuses to accept Bassanios strain to repay the loan, the Duke announces that he has called on a legal expert to root the matter. A letter arrives from the expert, saying that he has sent one of his brightest pupils to read/write head judgment--the pupil is Portia, who arrives dressed as a young lawyer. She reads the contract, and declares that Shylock is empower to the flesh. The moneylender praises her, but Portia then adds that the contract says nothing about throw away blood, so Shylock must cut the flesh without making Antonio prevail or else be arrested for shedding a Christians blood. Shylock angrily retreats and says that he will take Bassanios money, but Portia denies him even this, declaring that he has conspired against a Venetian citizens life and thus his own life is forfeit.

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